Present Condition
Korea Baduk Federation(KBF)
The KBF is a governing body for the sport of Baduk. It was founded in November 24, 2005 and approved as the 55th regular member organization of Korean Sports & Olympic Committee. KBF is currently operated by one President, 7 Vice-presidents, 13 executives, 2 auditors, with 17 sub-organizations in cities and provinces throughout South Korea. KBF is a non-profit-making organization and does not pursue any objective for its own gains.
Affiliated federations include Korea Primary Baduk Association, Korea Secondary School Baduk Association, Korea University Baduk Federation and Korea Women’s Baduk Federation.
Promotion and Globalization of K-Baduk
KBF is a member organization of Korean Sports & Olympic Committee and is involved in hosting domestic & international tournaments in order to develop Baduk as a sports event. KBF has been carrying out various projects such as sending out Korean delegation to various amateur tournaments and friendly matches held abroad, sponsoring Baduk products to international Baduk organizations, dispatching of international Baduk instructors and professional players to spread Baduk globally.
Issuance of licenses for Baduk instructors, referees and coaches
KBF has been operating certification and issuance system for Baduk instructors, referees, coaches for efficient Baduk education and fair games, and also operates dan/kyu certification system for amateur players.
Affiliated Associations
Affiliated Associations in the Korean Amateur Baduk Association
1. Korean Baduk Association of Elementary School Players