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Top 10 Amateur Baduk News of 2017 selected by Korea Baduk

BYUN Sangil wins KB Baduk League MVP Award

adminadmin / 2018.12.03 13:33

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Goyang, South Korea – Chinese No.1 ranked player KE Jie 9P won 2018 Samsung World Baduk Mastes for third time on Wednesday. KE, former champion of 2015 and 2016 Samsung Cup, defeated Korean opponent AHN Kukhyun who defeated YANG Dingxin, LIAN Xiao, and TANG Weixing repetitively to get the chance to challenge KE in the finals. Although KE lost Game 1 by resignation, he made prompt adjustment and won Game 2 and Game 3.

Game 1 was a swept victory for AHN, Game 2 was a swept victory for KE, and the Game 3, the situation was always close, but AHN’s 281 was considered as a losing move and let KE take advantage of it.

Finally KE seized his advantage firmly and won the Game 5 by 5.5 points.

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